Cross tattoo on back

Cross tattoo on back

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Cross tattoo ink

Man with cross tattoo on back

Girl with a cross tattoo on her back

Tribal tattoo

The tribal tattoos history is a real kaleidoscope; each place of Earth where the tattoos are popular has a particular and many times surprising history, significance, tradition, and realization technique. But almost everywhere, the tattoos appeared a few hundred years ago.

The place where the word tattoo originated, were the tribal tattoo reached perfection for thousand of years is Tahiti. Here the tattoos applications are most painful, but it reached a high level of artistic endeavor. The habitants of Samoa still believe that the elaborate geometrical design of the traditional body suit is the way to show respect for the God-qualities, for others it is the rite of passage to manhood.

Foot Tattoo

Foot Tattoos are very sexy and are becoming more popular by the day.
There's just something about tattoos on the foot. Especially with the cute designs available.
If your thinking about getting a foot tattoo there are some things you should keep in mind. There are many foot tattoo designs to choose from. But large or small, cute or sexy, regardless of your choice it is permanent.

Female sexy tattoo

Today, sporting tattoo is no longer the privilege of the tough guys. Inking has become very popular among females for expression of their unique style and personality.

Tattoos on a female body look sexy, provocative and feminine!

Generally, the females are mindful of fashion trends. They want to have a design that will amaze everyone who looks upon it.

You can observe tattoo almost on every female body parts. While some female prefers cute and feminine designs, others may like tougher and intricate artworks, and they ink on more visible body parts such as the arms and legs. The ankles, necks, hips, thighs, breasts, shoulders, stomachs and lower back are also popular spots for a woman to wear tattoo.

Tribal tattoos Pictures

Tribal tattoos might be the most popular form of tattoos in the world right now. Originally referred to as any tattoo style done outside of the Western World, it has now come to be known as a style indicative of the tattoos created for thousands of years in the Pacific Islands and Africa.

Tribal tattoos are instantly recognizable with their dramatic use of aggressive dark lines in jagged symmetrical shapes spread throughout the skin. Tribal tats are most often done in simple black and skin tones but they can also be infused with color to brighten the overall look. Whereas other tattoo styles attempt to represent a specific object, tribal tattoos seem far more concerned with the ‘feel’ rather than what it specifically looks like.

Pictures of star tattoos

There are several reasons and meanings behind star tattoos. You could look at them in terms of hopes to being a star or your goals and determination to reach for the stars and be all you can be (no pun intended). Otherwise, for the most part the meaning behind a star will depend on the type of star.

Star tattoos can be as simple as the choice to study in astronomy, or as complicated as to signify the birth a child.

Star tattoos can represent a significant change in one's life or a desire to achieve high goals. Maybe it represents a bright, shining point in your life.

Depending on how many points the star has can also determine the meaning of the star.

Like any other tattoo, stars don't have to have a particular meaning, it can just be a pretty design.

Skull Tattoo

Skull tattoos have a wide variety of symbolic meanings, depending on how the skull is used. There are so many ways to depict skulls that they can be used to make statements as diverse as how powerful a person is to how cute and girly he or she is.

There are skull tattoos that are meant to be frightening, ones that are drawn to be as realistic as possible and some that are drawn in pink with hearts for eye sockets. The skull is such a universal symbol that it can be adapted to literally any meaning, from religious to political to simply an artistic design with aesthetic merit.